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South Africa: What of the Church? by
Publication details: London : Edinburgh House Press, [1952]
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: BV 3625.S67 1952.
A South African Medical Pioneer: The Life of Neil Macvicar by
Publication details: [Alice] : Lovedale Press, 1952
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: BV 3625 .S5 1952.
Before the White Man in Kenya By Wilson, Christopher Book Hard Cover by
Edition: Abridged edition of Before the Dawn in Kenya
Publication details: London McCorquodale & Co. LTD 1952
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: DT 434 .E2 1952.
Islam in Ethiopia by Series: Routledge library editions. Islam.
Publication details: London: New York : Toronto: Oxford university press, 1952
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: BP 64 .E8 T7 1952.
La vie de l'Eglise naissante. by Series: Cahiers théologiques, 31
Publication details: Neuchâtel: Delachaux & Niestlé, [1952]
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: BR 195 .C5 M4 1952.
Gott ist Gut Bericht Uber Mein Leben Von P. Wilhelm Eberschweiler by
Publication details: Paulinus - Verlag Trier 1952
Availability: Items available for loan: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa (1)Call number: BV 4211 .2 .G63 1952.
Hope in Africa by C. J. M. Alport by
Publication details: London Jenkins [1952]
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: DT 32 .A7 1952.
Padre Salvador Garciduenas S.J. P.J Carlos Berruecos S.J. by
Publication details: Mexico 1952
Availability: Items available for loan: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa (1)Call number: BX 3703 .B47 1952.
Theology of the New Testament; by
Publication details: London: SCM, 1952
Availability: Items available for loan: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa (2)Call number: BS 2397 .B85 1952 V.1, ...
The Apostleship of Prayer and the Pastoral Care of Souls by
Publication details: Rome Office of the Director General of the Apostleship of Prayer 1952
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: BX 809 .A6 1952.
Apostleship by Karl Heinrich Rengstorf ; translated from the German 1st ed. ... with additional notes by J. R. Coates. by Series: Bible key words ; 6.Language: English Original language: German
Publication details: London: A. and C. Black, 1952
Availability: Items available for loan: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa (1)Call number: BS 2312 .R46 1952.
The New Testament Guide: the acts of the Apostles by
Publication details: Collegeville, Minnesota, The Liturgical Press, 1952
Availability: Items available for loan: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa (1)Call number: BS 2341 .N49 1952 No.5.
Evangile Selon Saint Luc, traduit et commenté par les PP. Albert Valensin et Joseph Huby, S.J. by Series: Verbum salutis. III
Edition: 7. ed.
Publication details: Paris, G. Beauchesne, 1952
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: BS 2343 .V35 1952 V. 3.
Father Thurston : A memoir with a Bibliography of his Writings Joseph Crehan. SJ. by
Publication details: London Sheed & Ward 1952
Availability: Items available for loan: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa (1)Call number: BX 3756 .T5 C74 1952.
A Social and Religious History of the Jews Salo Wittmayer Baron by
Edition: 2d ed., rev. and enl.
Publication details: New York Columbia University Press, 1952-<1983>
Availability: Items available for loan: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa (2)Call number: DS 112 .B31 1952 V.2, ...
Towards Unity : History of the Roman union of the order of saint ursula Mary Magdalen Bellasis by
Publication details: Catholic records press 1952
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: BX 4542 .B4 1952.
Histoire de la Palestine, depuis la conquête d'Alexandre jusqu'a l'invasion arabe. by
Publication details: Paris Librairie Lecoffre 1952
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (3)Call number: DS 107 .3 .A24 1952 T.2, ...
The Blessed Virgin by
Publication details: London: Burns Oates, 1952
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: BT 601 .G85 1952.
Dans la Joie d'un Beau Service: Vie de nos Premieres Meres et Sœurs by
Publication details: Loiret Saint Jean le Blanc 1952
Availability: Items available for loan: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa (1)Call number: BV 4740 .D36 1952.
Saint Francis Xavier 1506 - 1552 James Brodrick, SJ. by
Publication details: London Burns & Oates 1952
Availability: Items available for loan: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa (1)Call number: BX 4700 .F8 1952.