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"God Spoke in many and various Ways" (Heb 1:1): Prefaces of the Nativity as an Example of the Polyvalence of the Mystery of Salvation by Series: Hekima Review, 49(Dec.2013)
Publication details: Hekima Review, 49(Dec.2013)
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1).
Spiritus Tui Rore Sanctifica: Sources and Theological Import of the Metaphor of Dew in the first Epiclesis of the Second Eucharistic Prayer by Series: Hekima Review, 48(May 2013)
Publication details: Hekima Review, 48(May 2013)
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: .