The Holy Court in five tomes: The first, treating of motives, which should excite men of qualitie to Christian perfection. The second, of the prelate, souldier, states-man, and ladie. The third, of maxims of Christianitie against prophanesse, divided into three parts, viz. divinitie, government of this life, & state of the other world. The fourth, containing the command of reason over the passions. The fifth, now first published in English, and much augmented according to the last edition of the authour; containing the lives of the most famous and illustrious courtiers; taken both out of the Old and New Testament, and other modern authours. Written in French by Nicholas Caussin, S. J. Translated into English by Sr. T. H. and others. by
Publication details: Dublin: John Coyne, 1816
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: BV 4502 .C3 1816 V.3.