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Leur aggiornamento, bénédictins, cisterciens, trappistes, franciscains, dominicains, jésuites, eudistes, frères des écoles chrétiennes, missionnaires O.M.I., pères blancs, petits frères de Jésus. by Series: [Lecture et spiritualité]
Publication details: Lyon: Éditions du Chalet, 1970
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: BX 2432 .L46 1970.
My Formation as a Pastoral Counselor by Series: Hekima Review. No.21
Publication details: Journal Article: Hekima Review, 21 (1999)
Availability: Items available for loan: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa (1).
Dying And Death Among The Turkana Part II by Series: Spearhead (Eldoret, Kenya), no. 98
Publication details: Eldoret, Kenya : Gaba Publications : AMECEA, 1987
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: BL 2480 .T8 1987.
Paths Of Renewal For Religious edited by David L. Fleming. by Series: The Best of the Review ; 2
Publication details: St. Louis, MO : Review for Religious, c1986
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: BX 2435 .P265 1986.
The Church And Consecrated Life by
Publication details: St. Louis: Review for religious, 1996
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: BX 2415 .F5 1996.
The Art of Happiness: An Intriguing Encounter between East West by
Publication details: New York: Simon & Schuster Audio, 1998
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: BQ 7935 .B774 D3 1998.
Recollections and Reflections of Pedro Arrupe by
Publication details: Wilmington, Del.: Michael Glazier, 1986
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: BX 3703 .A76 1986.
Chemins de joie, foi chrétienne et vie religieuse consacrée en Afrique by
Publication details: Mexico: Centro Theophile Verbist, 2005
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: BR 1443 .Z28 A42 2005.
Collegium Universi Juris Canonici Antehac Juxta Triplex Juris Objectum Partitum ; nunc verò servato ordine decretalium accuratius translatum & indice copioso locupletatum, omnibus tam in foro, quam in scholis apprimè utile, ac necessarium. by
Publication details: Venetiis, Typographi Viduae & Haeredis, 1704
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: BX 1935 .E54 1704.
The Church of Women: Gendered Encounters Between Maasai and Missionaries / by
Publication details: Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c2005
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: BV 3625 .T4 H63 2005.
Les Principes de la vie Religieuse ou l'explication du Catéchisme des Vœux by
Edition: Sixieme Edition
Publication details: Tours: Maison Mame and Fils, 1933
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: BX 2437 .C6 1933.
Hindu-Catholic Encounters in Goa: Religion, Colonialism, and Modernity / by Publisher: Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2014
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: BL 2016 .G6 H4 2014.
A Search for Solitude: Pursuing the Monk's True Life Thomas Merton ; edited by Lawrence S. Cunningham. by
Edition: 1st ed.
Publication details: [San Francisco, Calif.] : HarperSanFrancisco, c1996
Online resources:
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: BX 4705 .M542 A3 1996 V.3.
"Does God Still Love me?": Letters from the Street by
Edition: 1st ed.
Publication details: New York: Covenant House, c1995
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: HV 885 .N5 M45 1995.
Faith, Power and Family: Christianity and Social Change in French Cameroon by Series: Religion in transforming AfricaPublisher: Woodbridge, Suffolk ; Rochester, NY : James Curry, 2018Copyright date: ©2018
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: HN 39 .N55 W35 2018.
Faith in Flux: Pentecostalism and Mobility in rural Mozambique by Series: Contemporary ethnography
Edition: First edition.
Publisher: Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, [2018]
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: BR1644 .5 .M85 P74 2018.
Megachurch Christianity Reconsidered: Millennials and Social Change in African Perspective by
Publication details: illnois: IVP Academic, 2018
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (2)Call number: BV 637 .9 .G58 2018, ...
The Joy of Love: Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia of the Holy Father Francis by
Publication details: Nairobi: Paulines, 2016
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: BV 4639 .C32 2016.
The Family Apostolate and Africa, by
Publication details: Dublin: Helicon, 1964
Availability: Items available for reference: Jesuit Historical Institute in Africa : Not For Loan (1)Call number: BX 2351 .R6 1964.