Crime and Custom in Savage Society
Malinowski Bronislaw
Crime and Custom in Savage Society - London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1940. - XII, 132 p. + 6 lám.; 21 cm. - International library of psychology, philosophy and scientific method .
Title from content provider.
Sociedades primitivas. --Antropología criminal -- Melanesia.
GN 493 / .M3 1940
Crime and Custom in Savage Society - London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1940. - XII, 132 p. + 6 lám.; 21 cm. - International library of psychology, philosophy and scientific method .
Title from content provider.
Sociedades primitivas. --Antropología criminal -- Melanesia.
GN 493 / .M3 1940