The Weekday Missal: Weekday Masses for the Proper of Seasons, Ordinary Time, the Proper of Saints, occasional Masses, Masses for the Dead, Complete with Readings in one Volume: Texts Approved for use in England & Wales, Scotland, Ireland, South Africa.
Primavesi, Anne
The Weekday Missal: Weekday Masses for the Proper of Seasons, Ordinary Time, the Proper of Saints, occasional Masses, Masses for the Dead, Complete with Readings in one Volume: Texts Approved for use in England & Wales, Scotland, Ireland, South Africa. - London: Collins Liturgical Publications, 1982. - 2104 p. 17 cm.
--Lord's Supper--Catholic Church --Missals --Liturgics --Catholic Church --Masses for the dead (Pre-Vatican II : Catholic Church)
BX 2169 / .M57 1982
The Weekday Missal: Weekday Masses for the Proper of Seasons, Ordinary Time, the Proper of Saints, occasional Masses, Masses for the Dead, Complete with Readings in one Volume: Texts Approved for use in England & Wales, Scotland, Ireland, South Africa. - London: Collins Liturgical Publications, 1982. - 2104 p. 17 cm.
--Lord's Supper--Catholic Church --Missals --Liturgics --Catholic Church --Masses for the dead (Pre-Vatican II : Catholic Church)
BX 2169 / .M57 1982