A Political History of Munhumutapa c 1400-1902
Mudenge, S. I. G.,
A Political History of Munhumutapa c 1400-1902 - Harare: London and New Jersey: Zimbabwe Publishing House, James Currey, Heinemann, 1988. - xxix, 420 p. : illustrations ; 21 cm.
0852550596 (J. Currey) 0949932302 (ZPH) 0435080385 (Heinemann)
--Africa--Monomotapa Empire --Zimbabwe --Shona (African people)
DT 1113 / .M8 1988
A Political History of Munhumutapa c 1400-1902 - Harare: London and New Jersey: Zimbabwe Publishing House, James Currey, Heinemann, 1988. - xxix, 420 p. : illustrations ; 21 cm.
0852550596 (J. Currey) 0949932302 (ZPH) 0435080385 (Heinemann)
--Africa--Monomotapa Empire --Zimbabwe --Shona (African people)
DT 1113 / .M8 1988