Peter and the Church: An examination of Cullmann's thesis
Karrer, Otto.
Peter and the Church: An examination of Cullmann's thesis - New York: Herder and Herder, 1963. - 141 pages ; 22 cm - Quaestiones disputatae, 8. .
Cullman, Oscar. --.--Petrus, Jünger, Apostel, Märtyrer.
Peter, ---- the Apostle, Saint.
Church -- --Foundation
BS 2515 / .C83 K33 1963
Peter and the Church: An examination of Cullmann's thesis - New York: Herder and Herder, 1963. - 141 pages ; 22 cm - Quaestiones disputatae, 8. .
Cullman, Oscar. --.--Petrus, Jünger, Apostel, Märtyrer.
Peter, ---- the Apostle, Saint.
Church -- --Foundation
BS 2515 / .C83 K33 1963