What is a Man? A Symposium from Makarere

What is a Man? A Symposium from Makarere - London: Oxford University Press, 1962. - xiv, 176 pages ; 18 cm

Lucas, E. The educated man?--Howells, W.W. An aberrant primate?--McAdam, K.J. Mind and body?--Welter, C.A logical thinker?--Rose, C.W. Seeker after truth?--Andrews, J.P. Controller of physical environment?--Dinwiddy, H.P. Creative spirit? (The poet)--Todd, C. Creative spirit? (The artist)--Ingham, K. Interpreter of his past?--Southall, A.W.A social creature?--Whitaker, P. Political animal?--Elkan, W. Seeker after gain?--Payne, D.A. Child of God?--Foster, P. An immortal soul? The fourteen lectures were delivered in the Institute of Education at Makerere College, the University College of East Africa, in 1959.

--Philosophical anthropology

BD 450 / .L8 1962